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The Partnerships for Sustainable Community's Tanzanian Partnership Program has produced a series of articles, reports, and evaluations to help researchers, development practitioners, and local Tanzanian communities to create and adapt successful sustainable development practices in each of the six strategic priority areas.

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Annual Reports

TPP's Annual Reports detail TPP's activities in the areas of research, undergraduate and graduate studies, community development, as well as financial highlights.

education abroad 2017_resized2.jpgEducation Abroad Brochures

Downloadable PDF versions of TPP's annual Education Abroad program, Sustainable Community Development in Tanzania (2013-2017)

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Researchers have created and carried out several evaluations and studies in Milola and Naitolia as part of the Tanzanian Partnership Program.


News articles featuring PSCD's work in community empowerment, education, human health, animal health, water access and safety, and food security, agriculture, and economic development.


A variety of videos capture the Tanzania Partnership Program in action, including education abroad programs and development projects. 

side-by-side_kids-tanzania.jpgAffiliated Centers at MSU

PSCD collaborates with a number of departments and units at Michigan State University.
